Trade Talk organized by MCCI at Kolkata on “Destination Andhra Pradesh – A Land of Opportunities”

Webdesk, TNI Kolkata 21st August, 2021: Yesterday Kolkata’s MCCI organized a Special Session on “Destination Andhra Pradesh – A Land of Opportunities” with Mr. J.V.N. Subramanyam, IAS, Vice Chairman & MD, Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation (APIIC); Commissioner, Dept of Industries, Commerce & Export Promotion; CEO, Andhra Pradesh Economic Development Board and Mr. Krishna G. V. Giri, Exec Vice Chairman, Andhra Pradesh Economic Development Board (APEDB); Advisor-Industries, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh.Addressing the Session, Mr. J.V.N. Subramanyam dwelt upon the following advantages of Andhra Pradesh as an Investment Destination. Stressing on promotion of industrialization and Environment & Social Governance (ESG) as the primary objectives, Mr. Krishna G. V. Giri said that since May 2019, 65 mega & large projects have been implemented with 1,38,000 MSMEs having an investment of Rs. 34,000 cr. Providing employment of 1,30,000 people.
Earlier, in his Welcome Address, Mr. Aakash Shah, President, MCCI mentioned that the objective of the Session is to explore new opportunities of engagement between Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal. While Andhra Pradesh has been registering a GSDP growth rate of 11.5% over the last decade, West Bengal has also been growing at approximately 10% during the same period. Even under the COVID duress, both states have managed to maintain positive growth rates despite the severe challenges. He pointed out that Andhra Pradesh, the 8th largest state in the country, rich in agrarian, natural and mineral resources, has embarked on a journey of sustainable development with focus on inclusive growth. Andhra Pradesh is currently ranked No.1 in the DIPP ranking on Ease of Doing Business (EODB) among States in India with the key focus areas of investments being Agro and food processing, Textiles and apparels, Automobile and auto components, Mineral based industries and Petro-Chem sector. West Bengal has a rich industrial base and the state accounts for approximately 14% of all MSMEs in the country, making it the second largest state in terms of MSMEs, he noted. The Session was moderated by Smt. Mamta Binani, Chairperson, MCCI Council on Legal Affairs, which ended with a hearty Vote of Thanks by Mr. Anirudh Jhunjhunwala, Chairman, Council on Industry, MCCI.